My goal is to help each client live their best financial life. By focusing my practice on advice-only, fee-only financial planning, I help clients evaluate where they are at, determine where they want to go, and offer advice and recommendations on how to get there.

Financial planning allows us to design a guide to navigate where you are going

Is financial planning even for me?

First we will work together on determining where you are currently at. From there we discuss where you want to be. Maybe it is planning for a big trip, paying for a child's education, caring for aging parents, a home remodel, or a work sabbatical. We will then craft a plan with recommendations and strategies to help you achieve your goals. After delivering the initial financial plan, I will continue to be available as a resource to you. Life changes happen, and often things don’t always go according to plan. I will be available to you for whatever you might need throughout the year, with regularly scheduled check-ins at a cadence we set together. Annual fee of $3,600 is for single individuals and $4,800 for couples. Annual fee may be paid in installments.

$3,600 - $4,800 per year

Ongoing Comprehensive Financial Planning

What We Offer

Have a question you would like to ask, but are not ready to take the plunge into full comprehensive planning? Or want a second opinion or set of eyes to review something in your financial life? Or would like to put together a comprehensive financial plan but don’t want ongoing support? Project Based Hourly Planning Engagements can be customized to your specific needs. Reach out to talk through specifics.


Project Based Hourly Planning

Plan delivery meeting. We will discuss recommendations and next steps. 

STEP four

Goal setting and dream meeting. We will review where you are at and work together on setting goals for where you want to be.

STEP three

Once we decide to work together, we will begin a data gathering process to determine where we are currently at.

STEP two

Introductory call/meeting for us to determine if working together is mutually beneficial.


Here's my client onboarding  process






four10 planning is an fee-only, advice-only financial planning firm working with millennials and their families to make meaningful impact in their communities.